52 (1 year worth) of planned email ideas

You won't have to worry about what to email for a whole year!

Why we created this:

Frankly we got tired of staring at a blank page every time we want to engage with our email list. And after enough people asked us these questions:

  • "What do we send to our new email list?"
  • "How often?"
  • "How to get these emails actually opened?" -

We decided to share some of our internal list of email ideas. You heard that right, our whole team put their heads together to create that for our list...and now you can get this list for FREE.

What you will find inside

  • Best practices to get your email opened
  • 52 email ideas. That's one for EVERY week for a whole YEAR!

How much does this cost?

$0 (yup, zero dollars)

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